Personal Injury

A personal injury lawsuit is a legal claim filed by an individual who has suffered physical injury or death because of the negligent, reckless, or intentional conduct of another individual, company, or governmental entity. It typically occurs with auto accidents, medical malpractice, workers compensation, prescription drugs, medical devices, and defective products.

Any situation in which a person suffers physical injuries or death by the fault of another person, company, or government can be a personal injury case.In order to succeed in your personal injury claim, you will need to prove three things:

  1. The other side acted in a negligent, reckless, or intentional manner.
  2. The other side caused your injury.
  3. The amount of your damages.

The first thing you need to prove — negligence — is the failure of the person at fault to use reasonable care, which is the care that a reasonably careful person would have used under the same circumstances.The second thing you need to prove is causation, which means the other side caused your injury or substantially contributed to causing your injury. The third thing you need to prove is your damages.At McHugh Fuller, it’s our job to gather all the evidence to prove your claim, then present your best case possible to the insurance company; and, if necessary, to a judge and jury. To speak with a lawyer today, use the form to the right or call (800) 939-5580.

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